Microblading Eyebrows Shapes >> Microbladed Eyebrows Healing Process | The First 2 Weeks

Microblading Eyebrows Shapes >> Microbladed Eyebrows Healing Process | The First 2 Weeks

The knowledge from about to drop here with you is exactly what I would do if I were a micro blading Tech or a lash technician microblading eyebrows shapes, these would be the steps that I would take the five things that I most would definitely most definitely do a to get started in my business now one of the most common things I often hear from people that when they’re just starting out the biggest question is microblading eyebrows.How do I get clients, um, how do I get more clients, people are not going to be willing to you know we we had a post recently on our micro blading and PM you boss status, Facebook group where someone was asking.How do I get clients to pay, you know 400 dollars or whatever price it is that I’m pricing, my services at when I’m just starting out and nobody really knows me now.That’s a that’s a little a little side issue, but um.The the biggest answer that this girl got in our group was that you really can’t expect someone to pay you four hundred five hundred dollars so no one’s gonna pay you top coin when you are just starting out in the business, so if you’re brand new you really should start by doing your models first, so doing a 1220 people for either free.Or very cheap, I’m not a proponent of free I prefer, um that you charge people something you know at least so that they kind of get used to paying for it, um I don’t believe that you could you know that if you if you sort of condition people to get things for free in the beginning, it’s going to be very hard to get them to pay for a touch up, if it’s been a year you know this is like um, a touchy subject because most people after a year they won’t want to pay for a touch up because they believe that a it’s not a touch up and we all do believe that it is now.That side there are five things that you can do when you’re starting your business so that you know you can start building credibility so you can start becoming known so that you can start becoming um I guess someone that would people immediately think about in connection to your services and that takes a bit of time, but once you do all of that there will be a great loop of a great pool of people that will have found you throughout the years because of word of mouth so. You do ideally would have to do all these steps a consistently but especially through in the beginning you want to do these things, especially in the beginning so that you can build a pool of sources and contacts and clients a and then eventually those clients will refer you to other people that they know.Um that is, if you do your job well, I’m now okay number one is definitely.Build a website now. I often talk about websites you guys if you’ve heard me before, if you follow me on Instagram at my computing hub, um, you know that I always talk about telling you guys to get a website now.It’s so important to have a website because the website is kind of where I’m all of your digital marketing efforts are going to start from so.Once you have a website, you can you, you know you can do ad campaigns, you can anything you do on the web, you can direct people back to your website and that’s where they’re going to get more information, that’s where they can book online with you, that is going to be where they can pay you a that’s where they can get all their questions answered so all of those things are very, very, um, they have to do with websites and you definitely need a website, so the number one thing that I would start by doing is you know I would definitely try to find some models friends, friends of friends, family, friends start with your mom youre on your grandma anybody, you can practice on that is not a banana a or a pan or a pineapple, I’m an orange these are good fruits to work on on.But still it would be better to try with a person right, so build a website and.You know if you’ve never built a website before building a website in the beginning may seem like a big monumental task but it doesn’t have to be there are many content management systems nowadays in which you can just go and quickly put together a website a one of those is the Goa wix wix is amazing I really really like wix wix has this artificial intelligence wizard where you can kind of choose your colors and um in like five minutes you have a website, it’s incredible, um, there is also the godaddy the godaddy website builder, and if you’ve never used it before godaddy is a hosting platform, they have a website builder, but um, it’s not very good, and I don’t recommend it so, um, my top preferences for content management systems where you can build your website.Word press is definitely my favorite one a wix would be the second and square square space would be my third there’s also weekly um but I’m not very familiar with weekly, however, um, why do I not suggest you go with a website builder by godaddy because it’s very restrictive it’s meant to get you have a website up and running in minutes, or you know like an hour Tom, but if you want to do.Anything that’s a little bit more complex, it’s gonna hold you back, so if you ever want to invest in organic seo, then if you don’t know what seo is, let me know in the comments, um, if you ever want to invest in organic seo, the website builder by godaddy is really going to restrict you, um I think that if you’ve never really tried building a website before you should consider wix because it’s so easy and simple to use, but yeah but yeah so then that would be the first thing that I would do I would try to build a website.Um, if you’re just joining we’re talking about five ways to get your business off the ground when you’re just starting out number one was building a website number two is for me building a working inorganic se, oh now people here or seo the term seo all the time and often they don’t really know what it means, um.Se, oh, if you don’t know what it stands for, it’s okay, it stands for search engine optimization and what that means is the process that you can that you can go through to make your website friendlier to search engines so.That you can start ranking on the front page of Google because everybody wants them right ranking on the front page of Google is basically the equivalent of having a huge billboard in times square accepts any everyone that’s walking by is looking for you, because anyone that makes a Google query wants an answer right away, a very specific and targeted answer so my number two thing would be to invest and in in um, seo and organic seo organic means not paid for, um anything that’s not organic would be like an ad and the reason why, I suggest you go with organic seo versus spending your money on ads in the beginning is because organic seo is a lot more sustainable in the long run, I mean you.Often you know paying three hundred four hundred dollars a month for ads is quite a bit of an expense and if you land on Google’s front page for a bunch of queries, you’re there for free, I’m not paying Google for the more like the dozen pages where I’m result number one and they’re not paying me but I’m getting a lot and they’re getting a lot, so it’s a win-win situation, so, um, if in the beginning you can’t afford to pay someone to do the seo on your page, then I suggest you learn about it, I had to learn about it, um, many Solar printers have to learn about it when you’re just starting out and um that is where I come in I could I teach seo a to all of my students to all of you guys, um, we have a course on seo right now on our website that we launched last month, it’s been very popular, it’s called seo, simplify its an e book and it comes with a bunch of very detail.And very, um explanatory videos where I explain how to do the processes that I mentioned in the book, so if you want an affordable and easy to follow course, a seo simplified is the course for you, you can find it on our website and also here on our Facebook page. Now the third thing that I would consider is running Google ads, um, Google or Facebook ads which ever now I’m the reason why.I’m putting this again as number two, um.Under organic seo is because it’s a little bit expensive to ads, ads take a bit of a of of money and in the beginning, you often don’t have a you don’t have the finances, you’re not there yet, um.However, if you start investing in Facebook or Google ads, um, and let’s say you invest 400 dollars and then if in a month, you get two clients out of those 400 dollars you’ve probably already made back your investment and even if you break even those two clients are already like a great gain because those two clients can expose you to all of their social like all of their social a friends and forums or whatever their social circles, so if you break even that’s great, however.It’s not I don’t want to waste your money so you have to kind of look into how to run a Facebook ads campaign and how to run a Google ads campaign, maybe get someone else to do it for you I’m taking volunteers a for a hundred dollars a month I am going to run Facebook ads for you and this is because I am practicing Facebook ads, I’m not an expert I just wanna I wanna get good and I want to understand it, so I can teach you guys, so if you’re interested in running Facebook ads for your business and you don’t want to do the hard work for a hundred dollars plus the um, the ad fees, I’m gonna do it for you for a month. So hit me up, send me a message or send me an email and we’ll get to work and alright so that was number three number four number four way that I would go about.Kick out kick starting my business off the ground is with Instagram when you first start your your models and everything get into the habit of taking pictures of everything you are an artist and as such you need to have a portfolio an Instagram is that portfolio nowadays it’s a it’s a public and I’m easily accessible portfolio that everyone can see on social media.And you need to take beautiful pictures, you need to make sure that you know that if your client has a lot of acne on their forehead, and it comes out get an application like face tune to remove the acne so that the picture does better on Instagram, these are all little tips and tricks that I mentioned in my e. book a instant banking if you’re interested in learning how you can back out of Instagram, um, you should check that book out it’s only 37 dollars you can find it here on our website and on our website and on our Facebook page, so with Instagram, there’s so much to talk about with Instagram like it just it never ends because there’s an algorithm change every single week, um, but the basis of it is Instagram is a platform for creatives Instagram is a platform for.Um for artists and so anything that is beautiful and pleasing is going to do very well on this platform, if you for example if you do teeth whitening and your pictures don’t get a lot of likes.I mean, you have to wonder why that is right because the pictures are like.One picture here and then another one here’s like a collage of the before and the after and it’s a picture of this.You know, I’m close, I mean that’s not. That’s not that’s not very, um, inviting it’s not very beautiful, um, your your reaction to seeing something up close, you know something, so I guess personal so up close is not going to be a positive reaction so you need to understand the platform that you’re on so that you can better tailor the content that you’re producing and the content that you’re posting on this platform, um, this is one of the reasons why if you’ve ever run Facebook ads for let’s say teeth whitening and you try to run one of these pictures, the ad is gonna get flagged and it’s not gonna be improved, and that’s going to be because.Facebook does not want to ruin the scrolling experience of their users by showing them pictures of up closed bodily parts so a picture of an eyebrow, um, you know micro bladed eyebrow or a picture of an eye, a or picture of just lips, that’s not gonna do well and they are never going to improve that unless maybe I don’t know their work around but.It’s not it’s not as pleasing always remember with digital marketing always remember the following.People have a problem.You have a solution to that problem, the problem is not immediately that they want more hair or that they want to whiten their teeth or that they want better eyebrows, the problem is always.Happiness, they want to be happy, they want to feel good about themselves, they want to be happier, so the end goal of that is is you know or I guess the expression of that in a.Advertising platform is showing happy people and I’ve shown you guys this in our webinars in the past I’ve shown you, um, how how pictures do when they’re you know when they’re focused on the end goal which is happiness, so like if you have a picture of a collage of just an eyebrow, um, you know a before and an after of just before after brows, um, and then on the other side, you have an image of a girl with really good lighting and smiling and looking happy with a good background and everything, it’s so easy to already predict the picture that is gonna do better, it’s gonna be the picture of the girl that is happy because it’s the all encompassing result you know she is happy, she is beautiful, so remember that when you’re posting on Instagram when you’re posting on Facebook remember that people want to see beautiful happy people. Because they want to be beautiful and happy people and that is the end goal of that now let’s go with number five so I’ll recap I’ll do a little recap at the end number five is targeting your mailing list.This is one of the biggest shames with you guys in your business and your beauty business because your beauty business for some reason people feel like it’s not it’s not a good return on investment a in having a mailing list and I’m telling you every time I send out an email to my mailing list I make a sale, it’s that simple.If you have or if you have a mailing list, you would have a targeted list of everyone that’s ever bought from you everyone that’s ever been a customer, so if tomorrow you launch a new service what’s the best way to reach all those people that are very likely to buy from you, your mailing list, your mailing list, and then.Mailing lists are kind of becoming a you know there’s there’s still the oldest form of digital marketing, however there’s still the the one that performs the best there is, however.A an alternative to that which is kind of very new right now and it’s a the Facebook bought the messenger bought everyone’s on Facebook, everyone has messenger so a bought is kind of trying to replace the traditional mailing list system, I’ll do I’ll talk more about bots in due time, um, but for now just remember try to have a mailing list, if you don’t know how to start with a mailing list, go signup to mail chimp mail chimp is free up until 2000 subscribers, um, after that you have to pay for the size of your of your mailing list only if your mailing list is, um I don’t know a over 2000 you’ll have to pay a certain amount per month.With a with solutions like convert kit or constant contact or things like that so mailing list very very important, OK.Now.Let me do a little recap of the five ways in which you can kickstart your micro blading business, the five ways are having a website. Organic se o investing in organic investing inorganic se o.I’m number three was doing Facebook ads or Google ads.Number four is doing a Instagram when you’re doing your models get used to taking pictures do stories go live be as dynamic as possible, put yourself out there as much as you can number five was leveraging your mailing list, now two things I want to say about these things for number three.Um, which was Facebook ads and Google ads I am taking anyone that wants to run Facebook ads and running a special where I’m just charging you a hundred dollars for my fee a plus you pay the um, the cost of the ad, I’m going to run an ad for you on Facebook kind of like a case study for me.